
My Name is Sergey

I’m a passionate explorer of the human body and mind, constantly fascinated by their interconnectedness.

Driven by a desire to understand and help others achieve balance and well-being, I trace these phenomena back to their origins, believing that deeper insights pave the way for meaningful change and a return to our natural state of feeling good.

"life is movement and stillness in harmony"


I have a vision of people who take self-determined and open-minded responsibility for their own well-being. I dream of a time when caring for the body and mind becomes a truly 'human' experience again.


I dedicate my passion to enlightening and guiding others about the fundamental connections and functions between body and mind, supporting individuals in the practical application of these principles.


My goal is to reach as many people as possible who want to actively care for their bodies and minds. A key focus of my work is to help individuals establish optimal physical and mental functioning so they can pursue all the things their hearts desire.


SINCE 2005

I have been working as a coach, presenter, speaker and instructor since 2005. By doing this we can be connected as a like minded community.


Since then, I have taught more than 19,000+ courses, 6000+ coachings and hundreds of workshops, seminars and teacher trainings.


DYNAMIC QIGONG in 2006 - a movement concept.

INSIDE YOGA studio in Frankfurt in 2007.

DOCKTER SPORTS, a holistic health studio in Aachen in 2015.


INTENSIVE YOGA 'course formats' - a Yoga DVD for experienced practicioners and teachers.

SPIRIT OF VOICES 'Qigong 5 elements' - a Qigong Audio CD.

SPIRIT OF VOICES 'travel to yourself' - a Meditation Audio CD.


Started in Germany (Cologne, Frankfurt, Aachen, etc.) with courses and also in 2 different international schools (for teachers, special projects and after school activities).

Teacher trainings and conventions all around Germany. Also teacher trainings in Austria.

Retreats in Turkey, Spain and Dominican Republic.

Online classes, webinars, workshops, teacher trainings from Nicaragua, Ukraine and now...CANADA.


Graduate Sports Scientist

Master's Degree

Graduated in 2006 as a specialist in rehabilitation and prevention at the GERMAN SPORT UNIVERSITY COLOGNE.

Qigong & Tuina Teacher

A 2 year training as a Qigong- and Tuina Teacher and Practitioner at the TCM Institute Cologne from Prof. (CHN) Dr. (CHN) Dr. Wenjun Zhu.

Certified Personal Trainer

Successfully completed the requirements of the NCSF Personal Trainer Certification Program

Yoga Teacher Training

I finished a private Yoga Teacher Training and observed a ton of trainings. This created a fundamental base as a Yoga teacher. Eventually co-founded the Inside Yoga in 2007 in Frankfurt, Germany.

Workshops, Conventions, etc.

Throughout my intense learning phase I participated in different workshops, teacher conventions and seminars with some of the most well known masters in their profession:

David Swenson, Seane Corn, Mark Whitwell, Twee Merrigan and more...

As a Quick Study

I never stop learning.

I love to figure things out through researching, reading, listening, watching and finally testing if those theories will work out in real life.


Respecting the Individual

Everyone is unique! I understand and respect the diverse quirks, preferences, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses of each person. Just as I would expect the same from any other service provider as a participant, my methods, explanations, and guidance must adapt to the individual, not the other way around!

Seeing the Big Picture

In addition to the many details, I always view the situation from a broader perspective, allowing me to see the larger connections. We are all in constant relationship with the "whole rest." I aim to help others understand this in depth, so they can focus their efforts where it truly matters.

Uncovering Causes

Every effect has a cause. It's a familiar saying, yet often overlooked! This means that achieving any goal is based on specific, prior steps. When we understand how something originated, we gain deeper insights into how to approach it effectively to achieve a desired outcome.

Effectiveness in Focus

I’m sure you want to see, feel, and experience results! And that’s exactly how it should be. Always hold that expectation, because that’s what truly matters. I tailor my approach to YOU, rather than forcing you into a so-called great method. At the same time, I won’t shy away from challenging you when I know that step is essential for you to achieve the desired outcome.

Practical Implementation

The real application happens in your daily life, especially when you're on your own. The courses, workshops, and individual coaching sessions are merely opportunities for practice, inspiration, and exploration. That’s where you’ll discover the methods and techniques that resonate with you (and I’m here to help). My goal is to ensure that you can independently carry out the necessary actions afterward, because otherwise, all that practice won’t lead to meaningful change!

Crystal Clear Guidance

Clear and direct communication is essential for mutual understanding. That’s why I place great importance on what I say and how I express it. I pay close attention to my instructions, comments, corrections, and statements to ensure my messages land exactly as intended. But sometimes, I’ll throw in a joke—so you can take a break from taking me literally!

My Story

First, Suffering Personally

I experienced my symptoms early on, revealing significant imbalances in my life. Physically, my knees became an issue when I was just 15, leading to surgery, followed by back problems and my first injection at 16, along with severe shoulder pain that limited my movement. Mentally, I faced challenges even earlier, with excessive tension and a constant state of anxiety that spoke volumes. Emotionally, I encountered obstacles in the form of repressed anger, lingering guilt, a fixation on performance, and a deep-seated ignorance of my true needs.

The Desire For Healing

It was precisely because of these numerous imbalances and my innate desire to help others that I developed a passion for becoming a teacher and/or therapist, enabling me to assist others in their journey to better health. From the very beginning, I knew it had to be a holistic approach! Unbeknownst to me, I also wanted to guide myself back onto a 'healthy path.' Initially, I wasn’t fully aware of this. I chose to study sports science, as the field emphasized 'wholeness'—it felt like a promising starting point.

Aha Moments & Inner Turning Point

By the end of my third semester, it was time for my newly acquired methods and concepts to be put to the test. During a training session, my body simply collapsed, a result of chronic misalignments, dysfunctions, and acute overload. To put it simply: I quickly realized that the methods I had learned were far from holistic. Just before this, I had started practicing Qigong in an extracurricular group. This marked a significant turning point in my life, impacting me on so many levels!

Birth of a New Perspective

Until that point, I had used ALL my selves (physical, mental, and emotional) merely as tools to achieve some form of performance. Through Qigong, yoga, meditation, and martial arts, I discovered a new way to utilize these functions. I quickly decided to fully commit to this new path, even while still in the recovery process—about three weeks after the incident. Little did I know, this would spark a truly profound transformation within me!

My World Upside Down

To be honest, I first found myself in chaos. But we all know: "A new order arises from the chaotic." So, I persisted and kept going. And indeed, shortly after, all my selves felt noticeably lighter, more powerful, calmer, more harmonious, and more vibrant. It was an incredible experience! This transformation became such a fundamental and important event in my life that I felt a profound desire to share these experiences with others. Thus, my journey as a teacher began.

Hard Numbers

Alongside my studies, I pursued training in Qigong, yoga, Tuina, and other truly holistic methods. While specializing in rehabilitation and prevention during my sports science program, I began teaching at the suggestion of my master, Zhu Wenjun. Since then, I've roughly calculated the number of events I've conducted up until about 2020: over 15,000 courses, more than 2,000 workshops, over 200 continuing education sessions, 6,000+ individual coaching sessions, and a few special events like conventions and forums.

A Rocky Road

Throughout all these events and appointments, I was searching for MY PATH. I sensed early on that I had a tendency to approach things in my own unique way. Thus, from day one of my professional journey, I began to develop my own concept/formula. Initially, this happened somewhat unconsciously, until I started to work on it more deliberately. In 2007, we opened 'Inside Yoga' in Frankfurt as a team of four. However, after just three-quarters of a year, I left because I realized I wanted to forge my own path. In 2015, my wife Anna and I launched our studio, 'Dockter Sports - Aachener Bewegungs- und Gesundheitskultur.' We closed it in 2017, recognizing that it was leading us to an unhealthy lifestyle. So, onward!

Arrived and Moved Forward

In 2020, we emigrated from Germany with our sights set on Nicaragua, aiming to realize our vision of a fulfilling life. Well, Nicaragua didn’t work out. After two months, we moved to Ukraine for a breather and to reorient ourselves. To our great and unexpected delight, we felt very well; our hearts were happy, we breathed easier, and we enjoyed being there. So, we decided to stay for 3-5 years at least. Then came what everyone knows: war on Ukrainian soil. Then we were planning our move to Canada (that was always on our minds). To put it simply: you never know how life will unfold, so stay calm, focused, and adaptable! Here we are now, in Canada, more specifically Alberta, Calgary–and we love it! It feels like real home.


Over the years, I continued to refine my formula, and since around 2018, I have actively worked with it. However, it’s organic and constantly evolving (with me and through me). This formula provides me with the flexibility to grow while understanding the diverse individuality of those around me as a whole. It forms the foundation of my profession and my mission to be a supportive guide for anyone striving to return to their natural state. I see myself as a teacher, having realized that this is my calling, which I pursue with heart, mind, and body!

Who does my Formula help?

The Inquisitive

Anyone who wants to understand causes, effects, and countermeasures, who seeks to learn continuously, and who prefers a holistic and nuanced worldview.

Ambitious Individuals

People who seek constant growth and prefer to focus on what truly matters, enabling them to quickly identify and adjust the right levers for change.

Responsible Individuals

Those who take their happiness into their own hands and want to learn and apply the necessary tools. They are fully aware of their responsibility for their own thoughts and actions.

Willing Individuals

Those who are ready to overcome their fears and gather the courage for true change, and who appreciate having a helping hand along the way.


My formula, approach, and style are NOT FOR EVERYONE!

If you want to move forward without active support, go for it! Then you don’t need me.
If you already understand the connections and functions of your selves, you don’t need my expertise and explanations.
If you know exactly what to do and how to achieve your goals, then my guidance isn’t necessary.
If you’re satisfied with where you are in life, then you don’t need any changes, and therefore, you don’t need my transformation formula!

I’m happy for you and wish you continued luck, strength, and clarity on your journey. 🥰🙏🏼






  • feel more relaxed
  • better functioning body
  • feel more in balance
  • get more personal adjustments




  • get deep understanding how things work together
  • get your questions answered
  • deep transformation for a specific topic
  • have an effective plan to keep working on






  • get a hollistic analyzation and view on you
  • get only what's necessary for you
  • get individualized exercises
  • receive instant feedback for deep transformations





  • get to know my TRANS•FORM•U.L.A.
  • learn how to use Yoga and/or Qigong in an effective way
  • feel comfortable to adjust and correct others
  • learn to communicate in a clear and direct way